Long time, no see, friends! I’ve been fighting an uphill battle since January to wrestle back control of my website, but it’s all good now. Sometimes it feels like my problems are like a Whack-a-Mole: as soon as I knock one down, another one rears its ugly head. So, I may have the website back, but I’ve lost my newsletter. One day at a time…

Which is why I’m also a day late posting here about a very important birthday… Starstruck’s!

Starstruck birthday bash

It’s so hard to believe that my debut novel is turning 7 today! I’m celebrating with cake, of course, and to share the fun with you, Starstruck is only $0.99! Tell your friends! With Singularity coming out in just a little over two months’ time, this will give everyone a chance to catch up on the series before the big finale!

Pick up Starstruck here: http://bit.ly/KSTAR

Seven years of gratefulness

And to make things even sweeter, here are seven things I’m grateful to Starstruck for:

1✨ Amazing friendships. Without Starstruck, I would never have met people like Cora or Crystal – Starstruck is our meet cute! Fun story: I met Cora after we won my first-ever Starstruck paperback giveaway. We realized we had so much in common and have been friends ever since. During the time that I’ve known her, she’s returned to school, gaining a degree in English – and she’s now our copy editor on Singularity. It’s an amazing full circle moment. I’m so proud of you, Cora, and so happy to know you!

2✨ Launching my author career. Without my debut, none of the other books would have come after. Thanks to Starstruck, I get to live this childhood dream of being a writer! So while the plan was to list the things I was thankful for after Starstruck, its release would not have been possible without my publisher, Michelle. Thank you for taking a chance on me!

3✨ I’m grateful to all the readers over all the years, especially those who reached out and told me how the book affected them. It kept me writing ❤️

4✨ For all the artists I met through this book who are now my friends! Do you remember the first artwork we had for the preorder swag of Starstruck? I’d commissioned Lloyd Ladera, and now we do projects together. We’re published in two comic anthologies!

5✨ For all the book events I got to participate in, and all the books I got to sign. Meeting a ton of people all at once really takes me out of my comfort zone but it’s always been a blast!

6✨ For all the authors I’ve gotten to meet and chat about craft with. Without Starstruck, I would never have met my writing family.

7✨ This one’s a bit heavy, but I’m trying to let myself be vulnerable, so here goes. Writing Starstruck has always been therapeutic for me. Writing about a young woman with rough mental health triumphing over evil helped me get through my darkest times. There’s a lot of what I’ve learned in Sally, and she’s teaching me in return. Anytime someone messages me about feeling seen… I feel seen. I feel connection. And I feel like everything is going to be alright.

Thank you, everyone, for being with me on my author journey, seven whole years since my debut came out. I’m embracing this moment of pride while knowing I couldn’t be where I am today without each and every one of you. Thank you!

Blog tour starting tomorrow

To keep the celebration going, we’re going to have a blog tour! I’ll be sharing the posts over on my Instagram and Facebook pages. I’m so excited to see what these new readers have to say about the series!

That’s all for today! Until I recover the newsletter, this website will be the best place to get my author news. If you can sign up, it’ll make things easier. I’ll let you know if/when the newsletter can be recovered!

